Careers in Hematology:
How to Find an Academic Job After Fellowship
Robert F. Todd, III, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Todd is Professor of Internal Medicine and Division Chief of the
Department of Hematology/Oncology at the University of Michigan.
Types of Academic Positions
In the disciplines of adult and pediatric hematology/oncology, there are
three basic types of academic positions. The Physician Scientist has a
dominant focus in basic or translational laboratory research (generally
75-80 percent effort) with limited clinical care and teaching activities.
The Clinician Investigator performs patient-oriented clinical investigation
(clinical trials, prevention, or health services/outcomes research) combined
with patient care that is complementary to the focus of research interests.
The Clinician Educator has a dominant focus on clinical care coupled with
medical education. Academic titles and tracks vary among institutions, but
starting academic positions often carry the titles Instructor or Assistant
Professor. Junior faculty in the tenure track generally have six to 10 years
to achieve the level of productivity to warrant promotion and tenure, with a
guarantee of a longer-term financial commitment. Faculty working in
non-tenure tracks often have renewable employment contracts, but generally
without the longer-term commitment of "tenure."
Applying/Interviewing for an Academic Position
Academic employment opportunities can be identified from journal
advertisements, the employment Web sites of professional societies,
including ASH, and personal contacts (generally with the help of a mentor).
On the basis of a review of submitted CVs and personal references, selected
candidates are invited for a one- to two-day interview. The academic
interview provides an opportunity for the applicant to meet with unit
leadership and prospective colleagues, including potential collaborators.
The applicant is generally expected to deliver a 50-minute seminar which
highlights his/her research or clinical experience. Since considerable
weight is given to the quality of the seminar (both its content and
delivery), applicants are advised to prepare carefully, with particular
attention given to clarity and the effective use of visual aids.
The Academic Offer Letter: What to Expect and How to Evaluate
The preferred candidate for an academic position is given a written offer
letter which outlines the terms and expectations of the appointment. For the
laboratory-oriented Physician Scientist, institutional commitments should
include independent laboratory and office space, access to core resources,
shared secretarial and grants management support, and laboratory start-up
funding (for equipment, consumable supplies, recharges for shared core
facilities, and technical support) sufficient to run a small laboratory
operation for two to three years pending receipt of extramural support. The
letter should also document the availability of "protected time" (generally
75-80 percent professional effort) to pursue research activities and a
senior mentor to assist in career development. The letter should describe
the salary and benefits with criteria for merit raises/bonuses and other
factors that may influence the salary, as well as the terms of employment
with criteria for achieving promotion/tenure/reappointment. For the
patient-oriented Clinician Investigator, the terms of the offer letter are
similar but with other elements that include the availability of patients
(with relevant diseases) to serve as potential human volunteers in clinical
research studies. A significant proportion of the expected clinical effort
should complement the focus of clinical research. Other factors of
importance to the clinical investigator are the availability of relevant
laboratory collaborators, ancillary services critical to clinical research,
and support personnel which may include data management, biostatical, and
physician extender support. The time that is protected for clinical research
should be clearly indicated. To avoid future misunderstandings, "get it in
Looking for $$$? Postdoctoral Fellow Funding Opportunities
Mona D. Shah, MD
Dr. Shah is a Postdoctoral Clinical Fellow in the Department of
Pediatrics, Division of Hematology/Oncology at Texas Children’s Hospital,
Baylor College of Medicine.
In recent years, reduced trends in the funding of young biomedical
research scientists have raised serious questions about the future of life
sciences research. As federal funding sources have become more competitive,
young investigators must constantly seek new opportunities. Unfortunately,
navigating the alphabet soup of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and
nonprofit-funding resources is a challenge for the uninitiated.
Briefly, there are three main categories of NIH grants for young
investigators: 1) The National Research Service Awards (NRSA) — “Tâ€
grants, 2) “F†grants, and 3) “K†awards. The “T†(training)
grants are generally awarded to institutions that train residents and
postdoctoral fellows. These grants are primarily used to promote the
education of our future researchers. The “F†(fellowship) grants are
typically awarded to individuals, either predoctoral or particularly
promising postdoctoral fellows, to promote diversity in health-related
research. Many of these awards are granted to those who demonstrate the
potential to become independent investigators. The “K†(career
development) awards are granted to individuals during the mentored phase of
their career. These awards focus on enhancing career development while
providing protected time to selected investigators.
The American Society of Hematology (ASH™) has always recognized the
need to foster young trainees — offering numerous resources to
hematologists interested in advancing their careers. In an effort to
de-mystify this application process, the ASH Trainee Council recently
revised their educational
Trainee Career Center Web page. A key feature has been the addition of
the recently unveiled Grants Clearinghouse a comprehensive list of
research grants for hematology trainees in various stages of training (both
MDs and PhDs). The
Grants Clearinghouse provides a multitude of hematology-related research
grant opportunities available through ASH, NIH, and other federal agencies,
as well as award opportunities from selected patient groups. Each grant
entry included in the Grants Clearinghouse (available to all ASH members as
downloadable Excel file) provides a brief description of the grant
award, the sponsoring organization, eligibility and citizenship
requirements, award amounts and duration, and the most recent deadline and
Web link information.
The newly revised Training section of the ASH Web site also contains
other valuable features for young investigators. These features include: an
article titled “Making
Sense of NIH Funding Opportunities,†a primer on various NIH-funded
grant opportunities; a PowerPoint presentation on “Preparation
for Life After Fellowship,†which includes suggestions to guide
fellows in preparation for life after training; and a “Career
Development Timeline for Trainees,†a generalized framework for the
career development of trainees at various stages. We invite you to explore
these newly added features as well as take advantage of the numerous
opportunities afforded through ASH membership on the ASH Web site.